Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Episode 29 - The Fashion Flop

The fashion show finally took place.
The cartel sneaked in to watch, but Marcela saw them and shoed them away. They sneaked into Armando’s office and watched from there.

Roberto was not very happy because he could tell that the fabrics were not up to his standards.
The cartel went down to the reception area to wait for Betty and Inesita so they could go out to celebrate Betty’s new job, salary raise, and upcoming two weeks at the helm of EcoModa.

After the fashion show, a very important French buyer asked Catalina to see the designs up close, and when he felt the fabrics, he told her that they’ll have a very hard time selling the collection because of the poor quality of the fabrics.
Marcela told Armando that he must apologize to Hugo for the way he behaved before the fashion show. Armando refused and said that Hugo had to do his job, and that if Hugo wanted to quit, it was fine with him – that there were many good designers out there to pick from.

He kept attacking Hugo, who stood by his actions. Hugo told Armando that he was going to go to the press and would tell them what happened. Marcela was so upset at Armando that she also quitted and told him to run EcoModa however he pleased.

The cartel was still waiting for Betty and Inesita, when they saw a very handsome gentleman arrived. They all start flirting with him and he very kindly told them how nice they all looked. They were just overwhelmed by this guy! However, at that very moment, the elevator opened and Hugo’s exit bursted their bubble – this hunk of a man was none other than Rolando, Hugo’s “partner.”

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