Monday, August 4, 2008

Episode 17 - The Cartel Fights for Her Own

The Cartel went for the PC guy, including Sandra who hit him! Armando told Mr. (co-conspirator) PC guy that he had 15 minutes to straighten things out, while the Cartel stood guard because they didn’t trust him. He gave Betty the report and the Cartel wanted to get the PC away from him because he started roaming through the computer to find out what secrets they’re guarding so closely.

Betty told Armando that everything will be ready for the report in 15 minutes, and he told her that she was the only one who could make the presentation to the Junta because she was the only one familiar with the information. He had to give her a pep talk to convince her, and she agreed. She also told him that she had to get her computer away from the PC guy.

Olarte asked PC guy to make for him copies of the reports from Betty’s computer.Armando told everyone that the report was ready and that the meeting would take place after all. Daniel was upset because he won’t have the chance to do the audit he planned to do.

The Cartel helped Betty put everything together for the meeting, and kind of fixed her up so she’ll look better at the meeting. They rev her up for her big moment with words of encouragement.

As Betty started her presentation, Marcela gave her one of those “if looks could kill” looks and kept staring at her to make her nervous. But Betty was cool as a cucumber and told everyone that Armando’s first two months at the helm of EcoModa had been successful and stable.

Sandra, who lost an earring during her fight with PC guy, went back to his office and noticed that he was hiding something and quickly reported her suspicious to the Cartel. Since they knew that Betty told him not to touch anything, they went back and tried to get the papers away from him.

Daniel reviewed Betty’s reports and asked her questions to try to trip her, which he fails miserably at because Betty is able to answer every one of his inquiries and came out of the inquisition smelling fresh as a rose.

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